


Suchana Loan is for borrowers especially women who are engaged in small business  e.g. retail shop, vegetable sellers etc. and to start new business.

  Loan Type : JLGs / Personal

 Loan amount range : INR 5,000 – INR 40,000
   Tenure range: 12 months
   Installment frequency:  Weekly / Bi-Weekly  
   Rate of Interest : 28 – 30%
   Processing fees: 2%+GST
   Admin fees :


Pragoti Loan is for both men and women who are engaged in small and medium scale business and facing capital requirement for business growth.

  Loan Type : JLGs /Personal
   Loan amount range : INR 31,000 – INR 60,000
   Tenure range: 12 months
   Installment frequency: Weekly / Bi-Weekly
   Rate of Interest : 28 – 30%
   Processing fees: 2%+GST
   Admin fees :